Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mystery Malady

So this morning (Saturday, 6/27/09) around 4:00 AM I am puttering around on the PC, whilst eating popcorn and drinking lemonade. I dropped a piece of popcorn on the floor and picked it up with my toes. Yeah, I know I'm weird; but I've been picking stuff up with my feet since I was a kid. Besides it's not like I was gonna eat it.

Anyway as I lift my right foot to put the popcorn in my left hand I had the most God awful stabbing pain in my lower right abdomen, near the pelvic bone. It felt kinda swollen, then I was sidetracked by the immense heat, nausea, and dizziness that swept over me. I have a portable a/c unit in my room and I was cool and comfy mere seconds before. Now all of a sudden, sweat is popping out on my forehead and I'm nauseous. WTF?!? When I try to put my leg down the pain gets worse and I feel a hard knot, like a large marble, between my belly button my pelvic bone. I push on it and it hurts bad, but then it disappears and the pain goes away. I stumble to my bed and basically pass out until about 11:00 AM.

My self diagnosis was a hernia until I of course checked the net and now I am thinking possibly appendicitis because I have had intermittent nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, and consistent tenderness in the lower right quadrant of my abdomen all day.

I have an ominous feeling that this is most likely appendicitis; but I don't want to go to the ER on a Saturday night. That's when all the drunks, bar fights, and domestic violence people are in there. Plus I want a real surgeon, not a student who will make my belly look like a Rand Mc Nally map. I'm hoping I can hold out until at least 9 AM on Monday. Then again maybe it's something routine but not potentially deadly like a hernia.

Oh and the third option is, adhesions from my most recent surgery in May. That was a hysteroscopic myomectomy.

Anyone with a medical background want to take a stab at a diagnosis?

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