Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mystery Malady - SOLVED!

I had an appointment today with my gastroenterologist, about that weird pain I had a few weeks ago. I was worried that it might be a hernia or appendicitis, or maybe even adhesions from my recent surgery. I later concluded that it was my IBS acting up. I was wrong. :(

FYI - I had my post-op appt. with my reproductive endocriniologist on 7/10/09 and I mentioned the pain to her and she assured me it was NOT adhesions as you only get those when they cut through the fascia. Since my surgery was done hysteroscopically she did not have to cut through the fascia.

Turns out my Mystery Malady was actually a transferrence of pain due to my diverticulosis. Y'all may recall I was eating popcorn when it happend. Popcorn is high on the list of fiberous foods that I should not eat as it lodges in the pockets (diverticula) causing the blinding pain which I felt that night.

Mystery solved. However, I have to have an EGR at the end of the month to determine the cause of my annoying gastric reflux.

Other than that life is grand.

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