In case you couldn't tell, this is gonna be a rant.
Don't tell women who want children and who have thus far been unable to have them, that we are better off without children, or to get a puppy, or that we should adopt one of the millions of orphans here and abroad. Do I look like Angelina Jolie? No, I do not! Even she gave into the hormonal urge many of us women have and gave birth to her own children. Plus, adoption is crazy expensive. Many health plans will cover all or part of infertility treatments. Nobody gives you $50,000+ to adopt.
IMHO The absolute worst thing to do or say is that, "Kids are nothing but trouble, you are better off without them." Really, I'm sorry for your children that you feel that way.
Or, and I had this happen just this week, do not give us a doll baby! Yes, that's right, one of my mothers friends at the senior center sent a one inch tall plastic baby to me via my mother with the message that "If I wanted a baby so bad here's one." WTF?!? On what planet is that appropriate behavior?

Now I know exactly how Charlotte felt on Sex and the City when she was having infertiltiy issues, and her idiot, husband Trey gave her a giant cut-out of a baby. Like that was gonna placate her. NOT!
I mean not for nothing but just because she couldn't have children and was forced to have a hysterectomy, doesn't mean I am willing to accept the same verdict without a fight. She is 80, 40 years ago doctors gave women hysterectomies like lollipops. Thankfully, today things are different.
Okay, I think I am done ranting now.