* Woke up with that awful, telltale pain on the lower right quadrant of my back. Haven't had one in years, over a decade at least. Checked symptoms on Google then double checked with mom. I have a kidney infection and I still had my period...on my birthday!
*Grab 2 bottles of water from fridge take Motrin go back to bed.
*Can only sleep for 2-3 hours at a time because kidney pain wakes me up.
*Money is tight so we didn't do the usual birthday dinner out at Red Lobster or Olive Garden. All for the best cause I can't sit upright for too long anyway, I'm in too much pain.
*Dad brought the mail in and surprise, surprise. I apparently forgot to pay a parking ticket in Filthadelphia on 6/30/2002. At first I thought it was a mistake. For one thing it's 7 years ago and for another I didn't remember the license plate listed. That was like 4 cars ago. :p Meh, summer of 2002 sucked big time I lost my job and my bf of 10 years dumped me via e-mail. The ticket is only $63 no biggie I'll pay it.
*Publix makes the best cakes around. I ordered chocolate cake with buttercream frosting and strawberry filling, pink roses. They gave me whipped cream frosting. I hate whipped cream frosting. If I wanted cool whip on my cake I'd buy a tub of it.
* I am getting a zit on my nose. Great! I'm gonna look like Witchy Poo from HR Puf N Stuf
* No one called me to say happy birthday. :( Don't get me wrong I'm not some loser with no friends. I received numerous texts and e-mails wishing me all manner of happy birthday wishes. The forums on which I am active had whole threads where people wished me well. It just would have been nice to pick up the phone and here a friendly voice say Happy Birthday.
4/22/2009 - The misery continues
* Mom and I have food poisoning, not sure from what. We all ate the same leftovers for dinner last night and dad isn't sick at all.
* Today my body rejected everything eaten in the last 2 days as well as cherry jello and a buttered roll.
* Thus far being 43 BITES!
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