Tuesday May 19, 2009, a day that shall live in infamy. My beau Tex, purchased a 1994 Honda Shadow VLX 600. He had been mentioning to me for months about needing to get another motorcycle. I, never having been into the biker scene said, "no one needs a motorcycle."

To say he was happy doesn't begin to describe his joy when he bought this motorcycle. I could hear the ear to ear smile in his voice, when he called me and he sounded positivly ebullient. First of all it's in darn near mint condition. The previous and only owner took really good care of it. Second it's blue, his favorite color. Third, and maybe I'm biased; but he looks darned fine sitting astride that bike. Did I mention it didn't need any work? He spent half the next morning polishing chrome that was already shining. He changed the spark plugs but apparently they didn't really need it. He mentioned maybe adjusting the idle.

I had to apologize to him the next day for not showing the proper amount of enthusiasm when he called. Though to be fair it was 1:30 AM and I had been asleep for 2 hours already. Wednesday night I surprised him by meeting him outside the local Target, and he was still smiling. He gave me a ride around the parking lot and I have to say I liked it. I'm not sure what I was expecting; but it was a pleasurable experience that reminded me a little bit of the freedom I feel when skiing, added bonus: being close to my man. So there we sat, in the Waffle House, grinning at each other like fools because we had fallen in love with a motorcycle. I can honestly say I felt blissful even the next day, he could hear it in my voice on the phone twelve hours later.

Just what is it about motorcycles that produces that blissed out feeling?

FWIW: Never tell your beau that his dimples make him look too cute to be a bad a## biker dude. LOL
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