As previously mentioned, I had a hysteroscopic myomectomy on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Since then I have had constant pain in my right calf. I kinda figured it was a blood clot and this was confirmed by googling my symptoms. That's correct as of Tuesday of this week I knew I had a DVT- Deep Vein Thrombosis. Now here is where my normal pragmatic nature flew the coop. I didn't do anything about it until Thursday, September 3, 2009. That's right I limped around for over a week bitching about the pain and taking Motrin in hopes it would just sort of dissolve and go away on its own.
Thursday morning the pain was so intense I couldn't stand long enough to brush my teeth. I called the doc who did the surgery and left a message for her nurse. The nurse called me back within the hour and told me it sounded like a thrombosis and I had an appt. in radiology for 9:30 AM Friday at Emory to check it out.
Friday morning mom drives me into Atlanta for the ultrasound. It's a 46 mile drive door-to-door. My appt was for 9:30 AM and we were signing in at 9:10 AM, we left home at 8:30 AM! FYI-Until you have had a 79 year old woman with cataracts, who is nervous about her baby girl being sick, drive 80 mph to the hospital you don't know fear.
They had to do both legs. I guess so that they could see what normal looked like as opposed to the leg with the clot. Anyway the radiologist finished the ultrasound and asked if my doc was easy to reach? I said yes. Things moved somewhat quickly from there. Much to my chagrin, I was told I was being admitted to the hospital. Not sure why, but I just figured they would give me some pills and send me home. I was genuinely shocked to hear they needed to keep me.
They walked me upstairs to admissions, I filled out the necessary paper work. Then I was taken to the CIU which is a sort of transistional waiting area for people while they get your room ready. I was there for a few hours. They took my vitals, 7 vials of blood, and hooked up a saline IV. By 1:30 PM I was in my own room and trying to push my mom out the door. I can't speak for all cities; but you do not want to be stuck in Friday afternoon traffic in Atlanta. Add to that it was a holiday weekend and you are just pretty much screwed. I wanted mom to leave before the holiday rush hour started. It has taken us as long as 2.5 hours to get home, if we let rush hour catch us. Plus, mom sometimes gets disoriented in the city.
Why they discharged me less than 24 hours later I have no idea. They still don't know for sure why I got the blood clot. They think it might be because after the 19 day period I had in July they put me on the pill. Surgery + birth control pill can = blood clot. More importantly in my mind, I still cannot walk, stand, or sit upright with my feet on the floor for more than 5 minutes without severe pain in my right calf.
So now I have to take 5 mg of Warfarin once a day for the next 3-6 months; and Lovenox twice a day. Both are blood thinners. I dislike the Lovenox intensely because it is not a pill, but an injection which comes in a pre-loaded syringe; which I have to give myelf in the stomach twice a day. I hate needles.
About my original plans for the day: After the ultrasound I had planned on going to pick up some pantry and freezer staples at Trader Joes's, then lunch at the Majestic Diner. I was craving their chicken souvlaki gyro, which is the best I've had outside of NYC. Then we were just gonna go home, maybe swim, and relax before my cousin Malcolm (age 8)came to stay for the weekend.
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